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Paris !


On August, 23rd 2017, I went to Paris with my mom to visit exhibitions ... I decided that it was the occasion to draw and practice a little bit, so I sumed up my day on two pages with pens and watercolours (at least the material I had with me). 
The day began in kind of a weird way 'cause my phone woke me up just to say that tomorrow
is the birthday of someone of the Creative Community. At 6 am. And I thought it was my alarm which was supposed to rise an hour later. Anyway I finally woke up to get the train and as I absolutly didn't know what to draw I decided to draw the fact that I was drawing. Then we visited the exhibition Rodin-Kiefer at the Rodin's museum, and then the rest of the museum so I Drew the beautiful sculpture "Le Baiser" by Rodin (and for some reason I didn't draw any art of Kiefer so I fixed it in the train back to Amiens by adding colours touches and the sculpture of the sunflower on the top of my pages. I also wanted to draw meal 'cause food is important so the little stuff sketched on the right of the left page (sounds too complexe) is the Pana Cotta of the restaurant of the garden of the museum (ouf). Theeeeen we visited the exhibition "Design Graphique" at the museum Arts Décoratifs where there were a ton of posters and as it's complicated to draw a poster I just sketched the typography of two of them. And as we had a little more time than we thought, we decided to visit the Opera Garnier which is an astonnishing building that I wasn't quite able to represent (and I didn't really have the time), so I outlined the scene and I tried to paint very abstractly the ceiling (which was designed by Chagall). And then before we went back to Amiens we took a coffee (more precisely a cappuccino) at the train station and as I had a little more space in my page I drew it too.
That's it.

(link to the article about my day in Paris)

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